The Cass Quill

Showing category "Great Webstites for us (teens" (Show all posts)


Posted by Leah on Saturday, February 6, 2010, In : Contest Information 
Okay, so I posted up some new contests, you may wanna check them out. Any questions about it..feel free to ask.
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Website to Check

Posted by Leah on Monday, November 23, 2009, In : Great Webstites for us (teens/Quillers) 

Ok another great website I found. You can upload them on the website//your account to where other members can read them and give you tips on it. They also post contests and things you can enter it.

Click Here:

Good luck & Happy Writing -

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Great Website

Posted by Leah on Saturday, September 19, 2009, In : Great Webstites for us (teens/Quillers) 
Ok i found this  great website for us (teens/Quillers)! Its its an awsome website. Yall may wanna check it out and make an accout. If you do make an account, find me. My name on there is DeadGirlDying. Good luck,and I hope yall check it out :)
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Please Remimber!

Posted by Leah on Sunday, August 16, 2009,
Please remimber..if you have any questions please ask..I may even put it up on here so everyone can see it (will your permission of course!) so ask....there is a specail category (on the BLOG CATEGORYS) called Q&A.Where I put up the answers to frequently asked questions, and good ones that no one has asked yet.So keep that in mind

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OK Quillers

Posted by Leah on Sunday, August 16, 2009,
Hope yall are working hard on those summer stories! Just an F.Y.I .....the Quill will start soon so be finding those storys :)
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Cass Quill Sign up!!

Posted by Leah on Wednesday, May 20, 2009,

The Cass Quill


Attention creative souls:

Are you looking for a place to share you creative writing?  The Cass Quill is the club for you!  The Quill is a place for students to share their creative writing among like-minded people. You will have an opportunity to share some of your original short stories, poems, song lyrics, graphic novels, or other creative talents among critical friends.


See Mrs. Cox’s in room 809, Mrs. Harrison in room 605, or Mrs. Karanovich in room 716 for an ap...

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Posted by Leah on Thursday, May 14, 2009,

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